The popular annual Jumble Sale took place at Longdown Village Hall on 23rd February. As usual the event was well supported by the entire community with a vast array of donated goods of all kinds. There was a great assortment of clothes from summer dresses to warm winter coats but also a whole table full of linens and curtains. There were book stalls and jigsaw tables and a large array of Bric a Brac, including, surprisingly some elegant kitchen cupboard doors!! The children’s toy stall was groaning with soft cuddly teddy bears, so many that some had to be kept in bags underneath the tables to continually replenish this particularly popular offering. The community also turned out in force to set up stalls, serve customers and generally promote a fun enjoyable atmosphere. Longdown is very lucky in its community!
By 2 o’clock there was a queue of customers and the fun began. Happy children arrived with their pocket money and left with bags stuffed with toys. Several people went backwards and forwards to their cars as they bought ever more stuff. Others seemed to enjoy more sitting and chatting over a cup of tea and a biscuit. All in all, though, the event raised well over £400 and was judged a great success.
The Village Hall Social Committee would like to extend its sincere thanks to all who donated, attended but most of all volunteered to spend their Saturday raising money for their community.