Is August the most important month?
August is the month for me when my work is a bit less busy. I can catch up on the work that I have neglected to do when I have been too busy. August has a relaxed feel.
August is the month for me when my work is a bit less busy. I can catch up on the work that I have neglected to do when I have been too busy. August has a relaxed feel.
The first of the two summer Olympic months has finally come around and the countdown clock to the games stands at just 26 days and 59 days for the Paralympics on 28th August.
The month of May sees the end of Easter and Pentecost. There is no special season to celebrate and we return to our normal routine in June. The church calls this ordinary time when there is no special season.
As I looked forward to May, I have always marvelled at the RHS Chelsea flower show. I have never been but always watch the highlights on the television. It is amazing to see gardens created from nothing in just three weeks.
The month of April is often associated with lots of rain or should I say showers. The Lent themes of mercy and forgiveness still run through this Eastertide.
March 1st is the beginning of spring according to the Meteorological calendar. The equinox is on March 20th and this is the astronomical event that marks the turn of the seasons.
This year February has quite a few memorable events. The most obvious being that it is a leap year making it a twenty-nine-day month.
As we start a New Year of 2024, I wonder what this new year will bring........
Everyone and everything seems to be counting the days down to Christmas Day.  How we count varies in different circumstances.  The most popular method of throwing us into panic is to quote the number of shopping days left before Christmas.
The month of November is a time when we remember some very significant dates both in the church year and the life of our country.