Wellbeing Pilates Class resumes for the New Year on Tue 7th Jan

Fran’s Wellbeing class resumes on Tuesday 7th January at 6.45pm at the Village Hall. If you have made a New Years resolution to get more active or just give yourself more “me time”, this class could be for you.

Classes will stop over the half term break on the 18th February 2020 and restart on the 25th February until 31st March (6 classes).

A block of 6 Classes is £42 or block of 12 classes is £78. Or Pay as You Go at £7.50 per session.

1:1 sessions are available helping you to understand your body better. Postural assessment with recommended exercises.Remedial Sports Massage, Myofascial Release and Relaxing Massage, a powerful combination of all techniques is extremely effective for releasing tension and improving mobility, leaving you feeling calm, relaxed and energised. 

Looking forward to seeing you. 

If you’d like to have a chat do give me a call 


Frances Noble 

BSc Hons Sports Sci, Pilates Instructor, APNT Sports Massage, Myofascial Release, 

NLP Practitioner, Family Constellation Work 
