CIL Survey

The Parish Council has received around £7,700 as part of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments for new building works in the parish.

During February and March 2021 the Parish Council conducted an online survey asking residents for ideas and suggestions such funding could be used for.

We had a fantastic response and the results of the survey are shown in the table below:

Improvements to village play area including covered seating area8.41%
Improving the bridle way to the Woodland Trust Cutteridge Wood site for better community access14.95%
Enhancing the woodland space adjoining the play area with better seating and nature enrichment16.82%
After the scheduled removal of the phone box to install some replacement lighting1.87%
Improvements to the surface of the footpath from the village hall to Church Lane3.74%
Vehicle activated speed sign9.35%
We as a family think a small skate area next to the play park would support older children in the village, enable them to have somewhere to meet and also keep them within our community. It will support their independence within the village5.61%
Vehicle speed signs are a waste of money. We need something similar to Tedburn or Kenton. A chevron so the traffic HAS to slow down. I drive at 29mph through the village and get overtaken by locals all the time. Check out Tedburns traffic control.5.61%
A footpath would be great as the cars speed down the road where all the bungalows are, so it means we have to walk on the road to get some exercise.23.36%
Footpath improvement2.80%
20 mph speed on Chapel Hill Longdown2.80%
What’s been suggested with the slowing down of traffic but also along the longdown straight as when we pull out you get transport going so fast your afraid to pull out into the road1.87%
Conversion of some of the verge on the Longdown Straight to a parking area0.93%
Outdoor fitness/gym area1.87%

In due course, the Parish Council report back how the funds have been allocated.